The + indicates that the keys listed should be pressed at the same time. The + is not part of the shortcut.
Windows + D Minimizes all open windows and goes to the desktop; press again to maximize all windows.
Windows + I Opens System Settings
Windows + L Logs off immediately
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Opens Task Manager
Windows + ← or → Splits screen and moves to left or right side of screen
Windows + Tab Opens Task View interface (thumbnails of open windows and most recent files)
Windows + P Opens projection options
Windows + E Opens File Explorer
Grab & Shake an Active Window Minimizes all other windows except the one being shaked
Windows + A Opens Action center
Windows + V Opens Clipboard bin
Ctrl + D (Del) Delete selected item to the Recycle Bin.
Shift + Delete Delete the selected item permanently, skipping Recycle Bin.
F2 Rename selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + N Create new folder on desktop or File Explorer.
Alt + F4 Close active window. (If no active window is present, a shutdown box appears.)